About Wendy Adams








Still Life

Wendy Adams is a graduate of the Yale School of Drama. Her career began in New York as an actor and dancer. Her love of painting and art has been with her always. Her famous needlepoint designs have been featured in Arts in America. More recently she has turned to oil paintings, conte and charcoal portraits, and watercolor.

With a love of the beauty of nature Plein Air is a regular activity for Wendy. Landscapes and Still Life are abundant in her subjects matter.

 Figurative work is a new favorite. It allows her to draw from her past involvement with dance and drama.

Portraits are also a high priority. “I particularly love to paint children and teenagers, and catch their individual personalities on the canvas”.

Wendy was educated at Yale University. She has also attended the Sorbonne and the New York School of Interior Design. She is continuing her art education with Bart Lindstrom, Robert A. Johnson, Roger Dale Brown, Quang Ho, and Marc Chatov.

About Wendy Adams